As this blog has mentioned before, when residents of Central Florida talk about Social Security disability benefits, they are likely referring to one of two federal programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance program, or SSDI, or the Supplemental Security...
Month: April 2018
Helping you secure the SSD benefits you need
We have all heard the saying that accidents happen. And while this is very true on the minor scale, no one truly expects to be involved in a serious accident that renders him or her severely disabled. Unfortunately, our lives can drastically change in a blink of an...
Blood diseases and conditions can be debilitating
While the phrase "blood disease" is itself a broad term, it refers to a wide variety of illnesses, any one of which could require a lot of medical treatment and sharply limit a Central Florida resident's ability to work. These diseases include genetic conditions with...
New law will increase oversight of representative payees
A new measure recently signed in to law after being passed unanimously by Congress will increase oversight over "representative payees" and will also give those in Central Florida who are receiving disability benefits, including both SSI and SSDI, more input into the...
Facts about Social Security Disability benefits
Life is filed with many unexpected events. This could come in the form of a new job, a move across the country, a layoff, a new baby, an illness or even a serious accident. When the unexpected happens, individuals are often left overwhelmed and unsure on how best to...
Private disability insurance might not be enough
Some residents of Central Florida may have heard about private disability insurance, and a lucky few may even have a substantial part of their income covered in the event that they are no longer able to work. Basically, these policies, like disability benefits...
Your employer’s role in your workers’ compensation claim
When a worker suffers an injury in his or her workplace or becomes ill due to work-related toxic exposure, it can lead to serious financial loss. In many cases, these Florida workers may need time off work, extensive medical care and other types of support after a...
What is substantial gainful activity?
People in Central Florida who have applied or thought about applying for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration may have heard of the phrase "substantial gainful activity," which is actually a legal term that is used to help the Administration...
Obtaining SSD benefits for a mental disorder
It can happen at birth, during your youth or even while you are an adult. A diagnosis of a mental health condition could happen at any point in a person's life, causing some shock, overwhelming emotions and leaving many wondering what to do next. While medical care...
What if Social Security says they are cutting my benefits?
As previous posts here have mentioned, it can be a difficult process for residents of Central Florida to get disability benefits from the Social Security Administration, even if they have a bona fide illness or injury. The obstacles with getting these benefits are one...