Florida has a no-fault law, but that doesn't mean a person isn't responsible if they cause an accident. This is a fairly common misconception. The party is still found to be at fault, and they will still be required to cover at least some of the costs related to the...
3 amusement park safety tips to keep in mind this summer
There are over 400 North American amusement parks with fixed sites, and at each one, the most significant concern is safety. Amusement parks offer some of the safest forms of recreation today, but there are always risks involved. The change of being seriously hurt on...
Your employer’s role in your workers’ compensation claim
When a worker suffers an injury in his or her workplace or becomes ill due to work-related toxic exposure, it can lead to serious financial loss. In many cases, these Florida workers may need time off work, extensive medical care and other types of support after a...
Qualifying for SSD benefits when you suffer from anxiety
Many disabilities cannot be seen with the naked eye. Although a person does not look disabled on the outside, this does not mean that they are not suffering from a disability on the inside. Mental conditions can be very challenging to live with. Some find it difficult...
Budget gives some hope that backlog will be reduced
The recent budget measure that passed Congress may offer a glimmer of hope to Central Florida residents who have been waiting months or even years to get a hearing on their Social Security Disability benefits application so that they can get the money they need in...
Where exactly are Social Security benefits going?
Each month, the Social Security Administration pays out over $80 billion in benefits to Americans who are eligible for one type of program or another. The vast majority of these dollars go to Social Security's retirement program. However, of the $80 billion a...
Benefits are possible for people with ADHD
A previous post on this blog discussed how our office has represented parents of children who have serious ADHD or other neurological conditions in getting disability benefits for their children through the Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, program. It...
Woman denied SSD benefits for not meeting work requirements
Social Security disability benefits can be a financial lifesaver for those suffering from a disability. Oftentimes, those who are thinking about applying for SSD benefits concern themselves with whether they fit the Social Security Administration's definition...
Court reverses denial of SSD benefits
Previously on this blog, we have discussed how many initial Social Security disability claims are denied. We encourage our readers, and our clients, to not be discouraged, though, as appellate options are available to them. It may start with a reconsideration,...
Millions of Americans dealing with disability
When facing a disability, it can be easy to feel like a person is alone. But, this isn't true. In fact, disability and the need for Social Security disability benefits is a common occurrence in Florida and throughout the country. Those who find themselves...