While the phrase “blood disease” is itself a broad term, it refers to a wide variety of illnesses, any one of which could require a lot of medical treatment and sharply limit a Central Florida resident’s ability to work. These diseases include genetic conditions with which people are born, as well as types of cancer and other conditions that people develop over time.
To give a brief overview, blood is made up of four basic parts: red blood cells, which carry nutrients throughout the body; white blood cells, which protect the body from infection; platelets, which are the clotting agent after an injury; and plasma, or the liquid part of the blood. If there is a problem with any one of these four parts of the blood, it could mean that a person will not be able to perform certain tasks or, in severe cases, even function in daily life.
For example, hemophilia is a condition that affects the blood plasma. Someone with the condition, if they get a significant cut or wound, may not be able to stop bleeding without taking a special medication.
Likewise, a person can develop anemia, or a low red blood cell count, for a variety of reasons, including on account of some types of cancer. While mild anemics can usually continue living relatively normal lives, someone with a bad case of anemia will experience chronic fatigue, shortness of breath and other symptoms.
Like other medical conditions, a person with a blood disease or disorder may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits, provided, of course, that they are able to document that they meet all the legal criteria for getting these benefits. However, documenting that one’s blood disease indeed qualifies for Social Security Disability benefits is sometimes a complicated process that may best accomplished with the help of an experienced attorney.