Life is filed with many unexpected events. This could come in the form of a new job, a move across the country, a layoff, a new baby, an illness or even a serious accident. When the unexpected happens, individuals are often left overwhelmed and unsure on how best to proceed. In some situations, it is easy to navigate change and a solution; however, in others, it can be extremely challenging to even live his or her daily life, let alone try to better the situation. Living with a disability present many challenges and changes, especially when one is no longer able to work because of it.
Through federal payroll taxes, workers in America contribute to Social Security. The money in this fund is available for those in their retirement years, as well as those finding their working years cut short because of a disabling injury or illness. In these maters, SSD benefits can become necessary because this monthly payment can provide the finances needed to pay his or her basic living needs.
SSDI is coverage that workers earn. This means that they have paid into the program. By obtaining enough work credits, a disabled worker can qualify for SSDI benefits. However, the SSA’s definition of disability is rather strict. This means that applicants must provide documentation to prove he or she meets this definition. One should note that disability could happen at any age. Additionally, a disability does not have to last a lifetime. Recipients of these benefits should understand that they might be able to return to work without losing these benefits.
Those seeking or receiving SSD benefits might have a lot of questions regarding the program and their eligibility. Therefore, it is important that individuals understand their rights and options, especially if he or she was initially denied benefits. Reconsideration and appealing the decision is possible, making it vital to consider legal guidance on this matter.
Source:, “Helpful Facts About Social Security Disability Benefits,” April 16, 2018