Pedestrian safety is a constant concern for law enforcement, legislators, researchers and government agencies. Unfortunately, it seems to be getting worse throughout Florida. According to the statistics, Orlando metro area is especially problematic. In fact, it is the worst in the nation for pedestrian safety. The numbers should be worrisome for everyone as pedestrian-auto accidents can be the catalyst for catastrophic injuries and death. After this type of collision has happened, people who have had their lives altered because of it should be aware of the avenues available to address what they will ultimately face.
Report highlights pedestrian dangers in Orlando
Pedestrian accident statistics were consistent if not worse in 2020, despite the pandemic keeping many people at home. This was in line with the number of pedestrian accidents the decade before. The Orlando area had 740 pedestrian fatalities between 2010 and 2019. In 2020, there were fewer accidents – largely because of less traffic – but a troublingly high rate for pedestrian deaths in auto crashes. Speeding is believed to be a fundamental reason, but other driving behaviors are known to cause pedestrian accidents. This includes distracted driving and drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
The report – entitled Dangerous by Design – formulates various strategies to enhance safety for pedestrians. Their suggestions include law enforcement being more vigilant to catch drivers who fail to yield to pedestrians when they are obligated to do so. Drivers need to understand the basic math of a pedestrian-auto accident. If there is a collision at 20 mph, the pedestrian has around a 90% chance to survive. If it is twice that speed, the survival rate drops to 10%.
Addressing the aftermath of a pedestrian accident may require assistance
It is unfortunate that despite best efforts, drivers will continue to behave in ways that place others in jeopardy. When there is an auto accident, people can suffer serious personal injury and lose their lives. Disability, long-term medical treatment, exorbitant expenses and stress on family members are some of the problems that inevitably arise. After a fatality, people will struggle to come to grips with the unexpected and unnecessary loss. For help with recovering compensation and possibly getting disability benefits, having experienced assistance can be key. Those impacted by a pedestrian accident should be cognizant of their rights and seek help immediately.