As a worker who regularly goes to different sites to do your job, you’re always meeting new people and doing interesting tasks. Unfortunately, this exposure can mean that you are put in harm’s way often. From potential crashes while driving to a job site to the risk of being bitten by a client’s pet, you’re always facing challenges.
It’s important for you to know that you are still covered by workers’ compensation when you’re completing work away from your traditional job site. For example, if you’re traveling for a mobile car seller and are injured while on the clock, your employer should still be held liable for the injuries that you’ve suffered and help you seek workers’ compensation.
No two claims are the same
With workers’ compensation, no two claims are the same. The amount of money you could be seeking and the benefits you may need could vary from someone else who has suffered a work-related injury. That’s why it’s important for you to speak with your attorney about your claim before you file. If you happen to get your claim rejected, your attorney will also help you appeal based on the workers’ compensation insurance provider’s reasoning. Things like being misclassified as the wrong kind of employee or having an employer argue that your claim is invalid can make it hard to seek compensation, but your attorney will be there to help.
Our website has more on workers’ compensation and why it’s so important to follow your claim closely until it’s approved. Your injuries should not be ignored, and you should receive the benefits that you deserve.