Construction accidents can happen at almost any worksite, from one where the team is working together to where one person has been working hard on their own. The way to prevent these accidents is to make sure that anyone working on a project has others around to help and knows the safety steps required to stay safe. Unfortunately, not all people do know the best ways to stay safe on the job and can get hurt.
Some common construction injuries that take place include:
- Injuries to the eyes
- Injuries to the fingers, such as amputation or lacerations
- Injuries to the toes from dropping objects
- Head injuries
In many cases, these injuries can be avoided by making some simple changes on the job.
Take, for example, the risk of eye injuries from flying objects. To help prevent injuries to your eyes, you’d want to wear the right personal protective equipment. If that equipment isn’t available, then you should reach out to your employer and ask for the equipment that is needed for your project. If the equipment that is at your facility is too small or too large, your employer should be willing to purchase the correct size (or even reimburse you for doing the same).
Wearing your PPE is probably the best thing you can do to avoid the majority of injuries on the job. If your employer doesn’t make you or team members wear PPE, it’s important to speak up. If you get hurt, you may have a case and be able to seek workers’ compensation from your employer.