The autism spectrum covers a range of mental conditions that affect individuals in different ways and with different levels of severity. Although Florida children are often screened for autism in their early years of life, adults can suffer from spectrum-related disorders that may impact their abilities to work and care for themselves. Depending upon the manner in which an autism spectrum disorder impacts a person’s capacity to work, the Social Security Administration may decide that the individual qualifies for disability benefits.
Behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorders will be assessed to establish a person’s capacity to hold down a job. If a person is easily distracted, unable to focus, hyperactive, unable to learn or suffers from frequent vocalizations or other symptoms of autism disorder then they may qualify for benefits. In addition to the presence of these serious symptoms individuals must also be limited in their abilities to concentrate, adapt to different conditions, work with others or effectively use information.
Autism spectrum disorders can directly impact individuals’ abilities to function in social and professional settings. For this reason those who suffer from severe forms of autism are often able to qualify for the Social Security disability benefits they need to live their lives.
Applying for disability benefits can be a confusing process and individuals who undertake to secure benefits often must submit to medical evaluations and screenings to determine the severity of their illnesses, injuries and disorders. The counsel of Social Security disability attorneys can be invaluable to those who need help to live with their debilitating mental disorders. Those with further questions about this complex subject are encouraged to seek their own legal assistance as this post does not provide legal advice.