There are many reasons why people may need financial help. The Social Security disability system wide-ranging, incorporating a broad swath of injuries and illnesses. This is good news for individuals who are struggling with disability caused by injury or illness. Yet, merely claiming that one is disabled is not enough, as the Social Security Administration has laid out requirements that must be met in order to be deemed “disabled.” Each medical condition recognized by the SAA has its own specific requirements, so it is critical that those who are unable to work due to an injury or illness to understand what they need to show in order to recover benefits.
Under the SAA’s regulations, those who suffer soft tissue injuries, such as severe burns, are able to recover benefits if certain qualifications are met. Under those regulations, an individual is considered disabled if the person has suffered soft tissue injury to the body that requires continuous surgical management. These operations must be geared towards restoring function or saving as much functionality as possible. To recover benefits, these efforts must not have been successful, meaning that functionality will not be recovered, or the recovery of functionality is not expected in the next year.
So, how would an injured individual go about showing that he or she meets these qualifications? In short, people would need to present pertinent medical documentation and support their claim with strong legal arguments. This takes preparation and knowledge of the law with regards to the SSD system.
SSD benefits for injury can provide a financial lifeline to those who are unable to work due to their condition. But merely filing for benefits is not a guarantee that they will be recovered. Therefore, those who are considering seeking out SSD benefits may want to discuss the matter with their attorney to see what they can do to better their chances of succeeding on a claim.
Source: Social Security Disability Administration, “1.00 Musculoskeletal System – Adult,” accessed on June 20, 2016