When a person in Kissimmee and throughout the state is suffering from depression or some other form of mental illness, they might be under the impression that they have to suffer in silence and can’t seek help or benefits to get well. However, this is a mistake. Social Security disability benefits for mental conditions are available to those who meet the criteria. These are legitimate health issues and those who are suffering from them need not be embarrassed when filing for disability benefits for mental illness.
Mental problems can stop a person from being able to function in a way that is considered “normal.” They might not be able to work a regular job and could face numerous personal issues that are difficult to understand for those who have never experienced them. Those who are afflicted in this way can try to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to assist them in making ends meet while they’re treated to overcome their problems. These problems could arise for a variety of reasons and could show a wide range of symptoms.
Those who were affected by an incident might suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). There could be a bipolar or schizophrenic affect. A person could experience panic attacks, OCD, various phobias, have trouble with cognition or development, and be clinically depressed. There are many other mental problems that will make a person eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits for mental conditions.
Even if there was a denial of benefits when filing, the claimant has a right to file an appeal. With 25 years of experience, The Lawrence Law Firm can help those with psychological and psychiatric issues seek financial assistance. The key to any filing for disability benefits is taking the right steps when filing for them, and our law firm can help.
Source: For more information, please visit our Mental Disorders Attorney page.