Many people in America have asthma. On the whole, they go about their day-to-day lives normally, taking medications when they need them. Some people, though, have much more serious cases than others.
In the most severe cases, people with asthma may be able to seek Social Security Disability benefits. Generally, asthma attacks will only qualify a claimant for disability if they last for a day at a time or longer and are severe enough to require intensive care support.
What kinds of care is considered “intensive?”
For asthmatics, intensive treatment includes:
- Antibiotic treatments
- Intravenous bronchodilators
- Prolonged inhaled bronchodilator support in the emergency room, hospital or similar setting
It should be mentioned that these attacks need to happen on top of the person’s prescribed treatments despite participating in treatment as asked. For example, if you have severe asthma attacks but don’t regularly take a corticosteroid injection as prescribed, you may be disqualified.
On top of all this, the attacks need to happen at least once every two months or six times per year and require a physician’s assistance. You should note that inpatient hospitalization of 25 hours or longer counts as two separate attacks.
The typical person with asthma is not likely to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, but if you have a severe case, you may. It is hard to live with this disability, and it’s true that many people don’t see it as a serious medical problem. If you intend to seek SSDI for your asthma, make sure you have a long medical history of attacks, have supporting documents showing your treatment plan and adherence to it and other information to help the Social Security Administration get you approved.