Not everyone who has a disability can qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). It’s only those who are unable to work or have any truly gainful activity who can apply for and be awarded Social Security Disability (SSD).
The Social Security Administration (SSA) makes tough rules to make sure that the disability program isn’t taken advantage of. However, that can mean that it’s harder for the people who truly need disability benefits to get them. Fortunately, if you have the right proof, you can make a claim and have a better chance of getting approved on your first attempt.
What are some important pieces of information to include with your Social Security Disability application?
It is important to be able to show the severity of your disability or that your disability will end in death. If your disability will last longer than a year or result in death, then you should be able to qualify. However, you also have to show that you’re not able to work in the meantime.
Some good pieces of information to include are:
- Medical records to show that you are not allowed or are unable to work
- Diagnoses and charts showing the extent of your disability or illness
- Witness statements that can describe your current health conditions
- Photographs or videos to show how you are affected by your disability
- Any information that shows how severe your illness or disability is
When you fill out your application, you need to make sure it’s completed correctly. Combined with the right evidence, you will have the best chance of getting the approval that you want.