3 tips for safer driving in wet weather

On Behalf of | Mar 6, 2019 | Personal Injury

Spring storms and rain can make the roads hazardous, but you may still need to travel. Whether it’s to get to work or head to an important event, it’s not always easy to stay off the roads.

If you do have to travel in bad weather, there are some tips that can help you avoid getting into a crash. Here are three that you should keep in mind.

1. Check the weather before you go

Before you go out, check the weather. If it’s windy and rainy now, look and see when the weather will calm down or get worse. Try to avoid driving during the worst of any storm and wait for breaks in the storm to travel if possible.

2. Get a full maintenance workup on your vehicle

The next step is to get a full maintenance work-up on your vehicle. Before you go out when it’s raining, you want to know that your tires have good tread. You also need to know that your brakes are in good condition. These are the very least of what you should have checked, but good tires and brakes give you much better control of your vehicle.

3. Be aware of your surroundings

Finally, be aware of what’s happening around you. Even though you have taken steps to be safer, others may not have. Slow down before intersections, give vehicles more space and be prepared to stop suddenly to prevent crashes.

These are some tips that can help you avoid a collision. If you are hit, remember that you can hold the other party responsible.


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