While getting older is of course inevitable, some elderly citizens are unfortunately afflicted with severe maladies. These sicknesses range from severe physical issues to debilitating mental conditions such as dementia. For those suffer dementia, maintaining a grasp on their finances, including Social Security, can be all but impossible. The Social Security Administration, however, has a program in place designed to assist those with dementia that few many know about.
The agency is allowed to designate individuals called “representative payees” to act as beneficiaries to those who are not able to manage their Social Security finances. Over time, the program has gone through various changes in order to make it safer for the at-risk individuals suffering from the mental disease. This can be extremely helpful for those who live apart from the dementia patient as it allows them to manage money and Social Security needs without being physically present.
This type of program, however, is just one small sliver of the larger Social Security Administration and its various programs focused on mental health. For those suffering mental illness such as PTSD, bipolar disorder, anxiety attacks, autism, and many more, Social Security Disability Insurance can be of great help.
The process of obtaining such benefits, however, is not simple. The administration relies on extensive medical records which can be difficult to collect. Unfortunately, there may also be appeals and reapplication to go through.
Even though programs such as the representative payees are helpful to those suffering mental illnesses, the many aspects of the Social Security Administration are still difficult to navigate without professional assistance. Seeking the guidance of an experienced attorney can help those in such situations move forward with all the necessary items.
Source: forbes.com, “The Social Security Program For People With Dementia,” Sept. 27, 2017