Suffering an injury is an unexpected event. In is also an event that could significantly alter the life of an accident victim in Florida and elsewhere. And just like individuals do not anticipate being injured in an automobile or work accident, individuals are not prepared to deal with the aftermath of the incident. For some victims, their injuries are significant, requiring much medical attention, rehabilitation and recovery. Because of this, some injuries are considered debilitating and prevent some from working.
Being unable to work can be very upsetting. Some feel as though they have lost their purpose, no longer serve a vital role in their families and cannot meet their basic financial needs. This is where Social Security disability benefits step in. The Social Security Administration designed programs to assist those who are unable to work because of a disabling injury or disease. However, due to some statistical reports, it is suggested that these benefits stop recipients from re-joining the work world.
Do SSD benefits impact the numbers in the workforce? Research conducted over the past several years have focused on the number of males and females in the workforce. With regards to men aged 25 to 54, it is suggested that their presence in the labor force has been steadily declining for most of the past half-century.
Some groups argue that this number is relative to the growing number of men receiving SSD benefits. They believe that this signifies a reliance on these benefits and no incentive to return to work. However, others believe this information is misleading and false. According some reports, it has been proven that this decline is related to the lack in good job availability as well as the increasing prison populations.
Social Security disability benefits are available to help those who are suffering from a disabling injury and are unable to work. So long as a recipient cannot return to work or a similar workplace, he or she may continue to receive these necessary payments. Whether you are currently receiving SSD benefits or seek to apply for them, it is important to understand your rights at any and all phases of the process.
Source: Center for American Progress, “Disability Benefits Do Not Stop Men from Working,” Shawn Fremstad and Katherine Gallagher Robbins, May 18, 2017