Unfortunately, accidents can occur and medical diagnoses of serious illnesses can happen. While residents in Florida do not often plan and prepare for these incidents, there are ways to address these situations. Because a disabling injury or illness can make it difficult to live a normal life, maintain a job or even care for him or herself, disabled individuals often seek out assistance. The Social Security Administration has programs designed to help those living with a disabling condition, providing financial support for those deemed eligible for one or more of these programs.
Social Security disability benefits can be very resourceful and necessary. Thus, those seeking such benefits should understand what could qualify them for them. Additionally, applicants should note the different programs and how they could apply to one or more of them. At the Lawrence Law Firm, our experienced attorneys understand that the application process for SSD benefits can be overwhelming. However, we are dedicated to helping residents in the Tampa area tackle this process and successfully obtain these much needed benefits.
Whether you were injured in an accident or are living with a serious illness or mental condition, it is important to have these disabling conditions properly documented by medical records. These records will help evidence that you are in fact living with a disability that is expected to last for at least 12 months or result in death. Our skilled attorneys can help you assess what documents are required to prove that you are in fact disabled and require financial assistance.
To learn more, check out our Social Security disability website. Whether you seek Social Security disability insurance or Supplemental Security income, applicants should be aware of the application process and how these programs could benefit them. Although many applicants are fearful that they could be denied benefits, it is important to note the right to appeal this decision. Thus, applicants should take the time to understand their rights and options at every phase of the application process.