Debunking SSD recipient myths and protecting disability rights

Whether you are currently living with a disability or know a loved one that is, many Florida residents understand the challenges that come with obtaining Social Security Disability benefits. Being unable to work is difficult on its own, and many disabled individuals must endure the lengthy and stressful process to obtain SSD benefits. Even if an applicant is initially denied, the applicant should be aware of their rights while moving through the process.

According to recent reports, a current article published by the Washington Post did not accurately depict the prevalence of disability in rural America. Based on this report, the Post claimed that as many as one-third of all working American adults in rural areas receive disability benefits. However, after looking at these numbers closer, the raw data in that study was only true in one county in the entire country.

Thus, this report sought to not only point out the errors in a previous publishing but also accurately depict the disability rates occurring in rural America. For example, it was purported that there was an increase in people gaming the system to receive SSD benefits; however, recent data suggests that the fraud rate is below one percent.

Thus, it is claimed that the Post’s article was perpetuating myths that have been debunked again and again. It also suggested that rural Americans tend to turn to disability programs when jobs dry up in the area. This topic was too narrowly focused, and it was later determined that out of 3,100 counties in the U.S., only one, which is located in West Virginia, came close to this one-third presumption. Therefore, the Post’s article was cherry-picking information and not giving an accurate picture of those using disability programs across the nation.

While data and surveys may not accurately show the current usage of SSD programs, it is important to note the rights and options available to those living with disabilities. If you are unable to work, it is important to understand what steps you could take to recover the resources you require.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Disability Rights Advocates Accuse Washington Post Of Perpetuating ‘Myths’ About Benefits,” Daniel Marans, April 22, 2017


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