The human body is a resilient, yet fragile thing. Though our bodies are capable of processing thoughts, sounds, and tastes and can even heal themselves from some infections and injuries, there are times when our bodies fail us. In these instances, our lives can be turned upside down. What were once easy tasks can become impossible, and doing the things we once loved can be rendered far too challenging. Our time with our families and friends can be impacted, and we can even be left unable to work and earn a living wage. When this is the case, Social Security Disability (SSD) may prove an opportunity to recover much needed compensation.
In order to qualify for SSD benefits, an individual must show that he or she is “disabled” as defined by the Social Security Administration (SSA). From time-to-time, we focus on specific medical conditions in hopes that our readers will become better informed. This week, we look at bone marrow failure and how it can lead to Social Security disability qualification.
Bone marrow failure, like many other medical conditions, is quite serious. Despite its serious nature, the SSA still wants to see proof of the condition before awarding benefits. Thus, in order to qualify for SSD benefits under this condition, an individual must prove that the failing bone marrow and/or the complications arising from it have caused at least three hospitalizations over a 12 month period. The hospitalizations must have occurred 30 days apart from each other, and the stays must have lasted for at least 48 hours in order to qualify.
Many qualifying medical conditions have numerous ways to prove the condition and its severity. Those who wish to learn more about illnesses or injuries that have left them unable to work may want to speak with an experienced Florida legal professional about what they can do to increase their chances of recovering SSD benefits.
Source: Social Security Administration, “7.00 Hematological – Adult,” accessed on June 6, 2016