A previous post on this blog discussed hearing loss and how it is handled when it comes to determining whether an individual suffers from a disability for Social Security purposes. Those facing a disability of any type, including hearing loss, have a lot to deal with, including, perhaps, the lost ability to perform tasks that they once loved and work to provide for their family. However, their disability should not reduce them to a life of poverty where they cannot put food on the table to acquire the medical care they need. This is where Social Security disability benefits can be beneficial.
Yet, the SSD claims process can be painful in many ways. First, there is the wait. Then, you have to be able to show that you meet the federal requirements for disability under one of the government’s recognized disabilities. You will need to gather all pertinent medical, employment, and wage documentation, but that is not all. You might also need to file forms and make legal arguments that support your claim. If your initial claim is denied, then you will have to decide if you want to redouble your efforts and appeal the decision.
This can be a lot to deal with, particularly for those who are not familiar with the Social Security disability process or its laws. Therefore, if you suffer from a disability and could benefit from the compensation available through the SSD program, then you may want to speak with your attorney about the best way to proceed.
The legal team at the Lawrence Law Firm has a track record of dedication to those afflicted with disabilities. Every day, we go to work on their behalf, fighting for the benefits they deserve and need to live the life they had prior to the onset of their disabling condition. Armed with legal knowledge and skills, we proudly advocate for our clients, and will continue to do so in an attempt to leave our clients in a better position than when they came to us.