People in Florida who are having back issues and considering Social Security Disability benefits for that injury need to understand the possibility that they are suffering from spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is often mentioned in television commercials and in the context of sports with prominent athletes suffering from it. But, few actually know what it entails and how it can hinder a person with an inability to work and other life-changing problems.
There are open spaces in the spine that can narrow, which puts pressure on the spinal cord. This is spinal stenosis. With this spinal cord pressure and the nerves traveling to the limbs, spinal stenosis can be a serious issue.
In most cases, spinal stenosis either happens in the neck or the lower back. Those suffering from it might not have any symptoms or indications that it is even there. Others, however, might have tingling, pain, feel numb, have muscle weakness and struggle with normal functioning of the bowels and bladder.
Generally, it is a result of the wear-and-tear of everyday life, or even as a result of a surfer’s strenuous job. Spinal stenosis can also be caused by several other things. It could be due to an overgrowth of bone, which results from osteoarthritis. These bone spurs might end up in the spinal canal. The discs that provide shock absorption can dry as a person ages, leading to herniation. The thickening of ligaments might stiffen and bulge into the spinal canal. A tumor might grow in the spinal cord. Injuries suffered from impact and trauma can damage the spinal canal. Nonetheless, regardless of the reason for the disease, surgery is often a recommendation to treat it.
Needless to say, any spine injury or back injury can lead to major difficulties for the person who is suffering from it. It can be difficult to get out of bed in the morning without pain, let alone get up and go to work. This is why it is possible for people who have spinal stenosis to consider seeking Social Security Disability. Speaking to a legal professional about determining disability status and meeting the requirements to be approved for benefits can help in being approved or just filing a claim.
Source:, “Spinal stenosis,” accessed on Nov. 2, 2015