Floridians who are suffering from mental issues are often unsure as to whether they are eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits for mental conditions. They might not even know what they are suffering from to begin with. Given that mental disorders are still largely misunderstood, they frequently go misdiagnosed with its sufferers moving forward without understanding their options. However, it is possible to receive benefits for panic attacks once it is known how the issue is defined and what its symptoms are.
If there is a sudden feeling of intense fear that results in reactions even if there is no looming danger or reason for it to be happening, it might be a panic attack. Those who suffer from them might believe they are losing control, might be having a heart attack or are facing death. For some, these incidents do not recur. For others, though, it is an ongoing problem not just when it happens, but in worrying about it happening again. It might not be a threat to a person’s life, but it could hinder a person’s ability to function normally and hold a job.
There are frequently no warnings for panic attacks before they occur. They can be dangerous in circumstances, such as driving. It can also happen while sleeping, when working or shopping. There are symptoms that are known to be linked to panic attacks, such as belief there is impending danger; a fear of death; increased heart rate; sweating; shaking and trembling; feeling short of breath; experiencing chills; feeling nauseous; being dizzy; and feeling detachment and a lost sense of reality. It is not just the panic attack that is the problem, but the fear of experiencing another one.
While there are medical treatments for panic attacks, some may not be receptive to treatment or the symptoms can be so substantial that they cannot function normally and hold a job. It is then that filing for disability benefits might be a wise decision. Understanding the requirements to receive benefits for panic attacks and moving forward with the process can be made easier by discussing the case with a qualified attorney.
Source: MayoClinic.org, “Panic attacks and panic disorder,” accessed on Aug. 11, 2015