There are many medical illnesses and conditions that people in Kissimmee might suffer from that would make them eligible for Social Security disability benefits for illness. Qualifying SSD benefits for illness can be confusing with certain medical issues. One such illness is an endocrine disorder. With this problem, there will be a hormonal imbalance. There might be an overproduction of hormones or an underproduction of them. There can be problems because of this. They might involve the pancreas, adrenal, parathyroid, thyroid or pituitary gland.
These disorders will be evaluated by the SSA to determine whether or not they meet the requirements for disability benefits. If there is a pituitary gland disorder, there can be a disruption of the production of hormones. It can lead to a change in the water and electrolyte balance in the kidney. It might result in diabetes insipidus. If there is a disorder in the thyroid gland, it can influence metabolism and the sympathetic nervous system. This will be evaluated by examining the blood pressure and the heart rate. There might be arrhythmias or other cardiac problems. It is possible for there to be weight loss due to the thyroid, strokes, problems with mood and anxiety.
A disorder that has an effect on the pancreas could lead to diabetes mellitus. Insulin and other hormones can be hindered. Insulin is imperative for glucose to be absorbed into cells from the bloodstream. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can cause major health problems to the sufferer. Type 1 is known as juvenile diabetes. People who have type 1 will often have to take insulin every day for their entire lives. Type 2 is also known as adult-onset diabetes. People who are suffering from type 2 will have to change their lifestyle and improve their diet to avoid any long-term health challenges.
There are many other endocrine-related disorders that might lead to a person being approved for Social Security disability benefits for illness. Understanding what these disorders are, how they can affect one’s health and what the medical expenses for them will be for them to be treated are all important when seeking benefits. Discussing the case with a legal advocate experienced in disability claims is a key.
Source:, “9.00 Endocrine Disorders – Adult,” accessed on May 26, 2015