Social Security disability benefits can be a lifeline for those in Florida and throughout the nation who have suffered an injury, illness or have a debilitating medical condition. In certain instances, however, the Social Security Administration needs to make certain recipients and applicants understand that the benefits are generally not meant to last forever. The SSA will take certain steps to make sure that the disability is still severe enough that the benefits will continue. It’s important to understand this and what can cause benefits to stop.
The benefits will move forward provided the claimant is still disabled. Under the law, there must be periodic reviews to make certain the disability is still in place. When this occurs is contingent on the issue and whether or not it is expected to improve. There are three categories of improvement: expected, possible and not expected. If it is expected, there will be a review of the case within six months to 18 months after the benefits started. Possible will lead to a case being reviewed after at least three years. Not expected will see the case be reviewed after at least seven years.
As for the stoppage of benefits, there are two reasons for it. First, the benefits will cease if the SSA determines that a claimant can work at a “substantial” level. An average earnings per month of at least $1,090 for people who are not blind will be viewed as substantial. Second, the benefits will stop if the SSA believes that the condition has shown enough improvement that there is not deemed to be a disability any longer. Claimants are responsible for informing the SSA of any changes regarding their inability to work and the injury or illness that led to the SSD benefits being approved.
There are numerous legal factors and criteria that go into SSD benefits, and it’s imperative that a person who is filing, considering filing or is already receiving benefits understands them. Learning more about the law regarding Social Security disability can be a solid start.
Source:, “Disability Planner: Reviewing Your Disability,” accessed April 21, 2015