When it comes to illnesses, there are many conditions that may qualify an individual in Kissimmee to recover Social Security Disability benefits. Though certain requirements must be shown, there is no specific list of illnesses that qualify and those that do not. Therefore, anxiety disorders that adhere to certain disabling characteristics may qualify for benefits. Amongst these is post-traumatic stress disorder, better known as PTSD. But what exactly is PTSD?
An individual who lives through or witnesses a frightening event may develop this mental health condition, causing them to experience anxiety, flashbacks and nightmares. Though many individuals who live through terrifying events eventually get over the matter, those with true PTSD can suffer for years, and their symptoms can worsen over time.
Though flashbacks and nightmares may be symptoms of PTSD, there are other significant signs. For example, a sufferer may become emotionally numb and may avoid talking about the terrifying experience. Additionally, he or she may become hopeless, irritable, aggressive, feel guilt, and have difficulty sleeping and concentrating. Sadly, this mental condition can be devastating, making it difficult for a sufferer to function in normal, everyday life.
Therefore, it is imperative that those who are disabled by this condition seek help, which may include applying for Social Security Disability benefits. If successful on their claim, these individuals may be able to recover the compensation they need to acquire long-term care to better ensure their health. Additionally, money for lost wages may be acquired, allowing a PTSD sufferer to find financial stability while focusing on recovering his or her health. Though the legal process is rarely one people enter into willingly, doing so under these circumstances can truly be life-saving.
Source: Mayo Clinic, “Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),” accessed on Mar. 9, 2015