Filing for Social Security benefits is often a major step in an individual’s life in Florida. Obtaining this benefit could mean the ability to make ends meet while they receive treatment for the disability they were either born with or suffered recently in an accident. In order to receive these benefits, the Social Security Administration must approve them, but if these claims are not decided properly, applicants who are generally not eligible could be awarded these benefits, causing other to be denied.
It was recently reported that particular judges approved a large number of Social Security disability or SSD cases. It was believed that these judge lacked a “well supported rationale” that is required when awarding benefits. In response to this, the agency’s inspector general will issue a report that looks at judges who both approved a large number of cases and awarded an unusually high number of benefits.
In the examination of 275 cases, it was concluded by the inspector general that 38 of these cases should have been denied. These findings were used to establish that roughly 24,900 cases improperly approved SSD benefits, resulting in about $2 billion of questionable costs.
Due to these recent findings, the Social Security Administration reported that it is taking steps to curtail these occurrences. Because the Social Security Disability Insurance trust fund has drawn much attention to the public and on Capital Hill, it is important that certain steps are taken to ensure these benefits are carefully and fairly considered and awarded based on the strict guidelines instituted.
Receiving SSD benefits could be a very crucial to an individual or family’s life. Those denied these benefits should understand their rights in order to determine if they were improperly denied these benefits. Seeking guidance could help ensure individuals are aware of the process and how they could have their claim reconsidered.
Source: The Wall Street Journal, “New Report Could Increase Scrutiny of Social Security Disability Judges,” Damian Paletta, Nov. 14, 2014