For many years, there has been a stigma surrounding mental illness that has made some people reluctant to get help. While these barriers are slowly breaking down, some claim that young people are still having trouble getting the help they need to fight mental illness.
According to data, 75 percent of all mental health disorders will become apparent by the time someone is 24 years old. Therefore, people aged 18 to 30 are the most likely to be diagnosed with serious mental health issues. However, they are the least likely to seek help. Experts say that many of these people are reluctant to join programs that are aimed at older adults. They don’t feel like they fit in with older adults and therefore do not successfully participate. Furthermore, younger Americans often do not have the same access to health insurance as older adults. This means they are less likely to be able to afford the treatment they need.
Many mental health professionals have begun to recognize these shortcomings and are adjusting accordingly. They are starting to develop programs geared specifically for younger people struggling with mental illness. These programs can help young adults learn to manage their mental health and give them the medication they need to help.
Still, programs are expensive, and many younger people cannot afford to pay. In these cases, Social Security Disability income can be helpful. However, as one young person explained, it can be overwhelming for someone unfamiliar with the process.
SSDI has specific requirements and an application process. While these initial steps can seem daunting, by getting through them, people of all ages who are struggling with mental illness can get access to important benefits. With the right help, people can successfully obtain disability benefits to help them manage their mental health status.
Source: Takepart, “How these Millennials realized it was time to get help,” Nicole Pasulka, Aug. 8, 2014