What does the SSA look for when assessing cancer?

On Behalf of | Feb 15, 2017 | Social Security Disability

Cancer is a horrible disease that affects many Florida families. Although medical advances allow many cancer sufferers to become cancer survivors, the fight can be challenging in more ways than one. These individuals may lose their ability to perform certain physical tasks, and their emotional well-being can take quite a toll. When the cancer impacts their day-to-day lives in such a way that these individuals are unable to work, when they may face uncertainty with regard to their ability to provide for themselves and their families.

The good news is that these individuals may be able to successfully obtain Social Security disability benefits by applying for them through the Social Security Administration. To do so successfully, though, a claimant must prove that he or she meets certain federal requirements. The SSA has explicitly listed several forms of cancer that qualify, including breast, lung, and colon cancers, in addition to leukemia and lymphoma.

When assessing cancer for SSD purposes, the SSA typically looks at four factors. First, they consider the origin of the cancer. Second, they assess the extent of the cancer’s involvement. Those that are more advanced are more likely to qualify an individual for SSD benefits. Third, the SSA looks at how often an individual is receiving treatment for the cancer and how the cancer responds to that treatment. Lastly, the SSA analyzes any effects that may arise as a result of anti-cancer treatments.

So what does this mean for an individual with a disability who is seeking SSD benefits? It means that they need to carefully document every aspect of their condition. Then, by using this medical evidence, they may stand a chance at receiving the compensation they need to find financial stability.

Source: Social Security Administration, “13.00 Cancer – Adult,” accessed on Feb. 12, 2017


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